Beni Kikokuryu

The Beni Kikokuryu is a variant that years ago originated from a cross between a Kikusui and a Kumonryu. In the beginning this new variety was not really stable and many of the features of the Kumonryu often determined a look what no one could guarantee.


This changed al lot during the last years and that is clear to see at the new generation of Beni Kikokuryu. Not only have they become much more stable, but we have also done much to the silver/gray colour and changed it into a deep black.


In this example is clear to see what I mean.


The black of the Kumonryu on a metallic Koi already gives you something entirely new. However, this goes hand in hand with a snow white background, because then all the  colours almost seem to be catapulted. A school example of how a Beni Kikokuryu should be.